Monday, May 19, 2014

Days six through eight

Sorry, I definitely let the blog slip over the weekend! I am down 7.4 pounds, and I am PROUD to report that I have not cheated (except for one time) at all! I attribute this a lot to my husband, who has been staying strong on this diet plan with me and refuses to allow me to cheat. For example, I was REALLY tempted to get just a tiny little bag of popcorn when we went to see "Godzilla" this weekend, and he put his foot down and said if we cheated now, it would open the floodgates. I guess that's true. It's very nice to have someone resisting temptations with me.

The one time I cheated was when I had a finger-dip of vanilla icing (I know, I know, I said I was going to toss the tub of icing, but I didn't do it in time). However, after having that finger dip, I still was not fulfilled. The icing tasted a little chemical-y, very saccharine sweet, and made my mouth feel like it had a film for the next few hours. I tossed the tub after that, and I learned that sometimes the things we think will taste so good aren't as fulfilling as we hoped.

Anyway, here's the plan for the last few days and today:

DAY 6 
  • Breakfast- Scrambled egg & pear
  • Snack: Pineapple, orange, grape salad
  • Lunch- Grilled chicken w/ veggies & brown rice
  • Snack- Pineapple, orange, grape salad
  • Dinner- Stir fried brown rice with chicken and veggies (light on the oil)

DAY 7 

  • Breakfast- Omlette w/ salsa
  • Snack - Leftover fruits/veggies
  • Lunch- Rotisserie chicken & leftover veggies
  • Snack - Cinnamon oatmeal

DAY 8 

  • Breakfast- Boiled egg
  • Snack- Banana w/ peanut butter
  • Lunch- Sliced turkey breast w/ baby carrots
  • Snack: Apple w/ nuts
My husband and I went for a walk on Saturday and took a bike ride on Sunday at Gibson Park, a beautiful greenway near our house. The bike ride was much harder than the walk, and I got winded very easily. I had to walk the bike up the hill a few times, and Henry barely even broke a sweat! I just think we need to exercise separately because I feel like he doesn't challenge himself as much when he works out with me because I am an out-of-shape wimp. I did Debbie Siebers' "Slim in 6" video again today and found that I had a little bit of an easier time completing the exercises. I can't wait until I stop being sore from exercising!

Also, I have been having less sugar "crashes," in the afternoons. This is really helpful with being able to get things done in the afternoons, and I'm happy that my body seems to be adjusting to getting more natural sugars from fruits and veggies rather than from processed foods.

Thought of the Day(s)

After Jesus was fasting for 40 days and was hungry, the enemy comes to him and tempts him to turn stones into bread. Then, Matthew 4:4 says, "Jesus answered, 'Man shall not live by bread alone, but on every word that comes from the mouth of God."

I need to remember these words, particularly as I am restricting my diet for the next few days. I may be hungry or I may feel deprived from the foods that I enjoy, but I need to remember that physical food is nothing more than sustenance for my body, and that I need to optimize how I am sustaining my body. What is better? 200 calories worth of veggies and fruits, or 200 calories worth of potato chips (see picture below). Furthermore, I need to remember that the true "bread" of life is found spiritually, not physically. I should pray that I hunger more for God's word and for a relationship with him, rather than focusing my thoughts on my next meal or on the crazy-good things I will eat when I'm done with this diet. Those thoughts do not bring me life like spiritual growth will. So, I should not be tempted to live by bread alone, even though I am hungry and craving actual bread at this time. I am a whole person, and to be whole I must feed my physical needs, emotional/psychological needs, AND my spiritual needs.

(200 calories of different foods)

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