Thursday, May 22, 2014

Day ten

Ok, today is the last day of Advocare's 10-day cleanse! It feels good to be moving on to the rest of the 24-day challenge. This part of the diet plan allows you to have whole-wheat breads and pastas in addition to the complex carbs we have already been eating and some dairy products such as yogurt, low fat cheeses, and low fat milk. It still wants you to steer clear of any sugar, though. I'm making a trip to the grocery store today and will make a post with my grocery list.

Here's the last meal plan for the 10-day cleanse:

DAY 10
  • Breakfast- 2 boiled eggs
  • Snack - Grapes
  • Lunch- Fiesta Soup leftovers
  • Snack: Apple w/ peanut butter
  • Dinner- Grilled salmon with sweet potatoes

Overall, the cleanse has been pretty good. I feel like I have definitely gotten stronger and learned a lot of things about what to eat and how to cook. Here's the pros and cons of this cleanse process that I have found:

  • I feel pretty good! I feel like I have energy, I feel better about making better choices when I eat, I feel stronger to resist making bad choices
  • I'm much less hungry throughout the day, and I seem to get full quicker
  • I've started the habit of eating breakfast in the morning (which I wasn't doing prior to this diet) and snacking on something healthy throughout the day to stave off hunger and keep my energy level up
  • I consistently drink more water than when I started this diet plan
  • I understand the things I need to be eating and how addictive sugar can be. Whole grain is better, complex carbs are better, lean meats are better, fruits and veggies are very good for you.
  • I'm motivated to exercise. When I take care of my body with what I eat, I want to take care of it with what I do.
  • This was really hard at first, especially if you are accustomed to eating the crap that I was eating. It's like quitting cold-turkey.
  • I still get hungry sometimes and that makes me feel weak.
  • I can feel myself almost getting burned out on this already. It's very restrictive and very difficult to maintain when eating socially (e.g., parties, meals with family, etc). The temptation to cheat is very strong.
Thought of the day

Romans 12:2 says, "Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect."

I love this verse for so many reasons. It commands us to rise above the influences of our culture and our sinful natures, and to allow ourselves to be renewed by God. It commands that we think differently about our lives and the world we live in--to question why we do what we do and how to change it. Ultimately, there are many things in the world that we need to resist. Be a non-conformist! This verse says that we will encounter many tests of our faith and our "renewed minds," and these tests are an opportunity to rely on God's heart and remember his faithfulness and run back to him. I venture to say that, most of the time, the initial way we would like to respond to any challenge should actually be responded to in the exact opposite way. For example, if someone makes you mad or says something mean, your initial desire may be to give them a taste of their own medicine. But, this is a test. We must face a situation like that and discern what is the will of God. Then we might find that responding with love, patience, or gentleness is really the response we should have. That is what is "good, acceptable, and perfect."

I am someone who struggles with my weight and the temptation of decadent foods. I have been conformed to the world by mindlessly eating or completely gorging myself on rich foods that have changed how my body looks and how I feel. A cleanse and diet plan like the one I have been doing has not only begun a renewal of my body, but also a renewal of my mind. I have learned how to be less dependent on food, how to prepare food in healthier ways, how to think about food as it relates to eternity. This change of heart and mind will inevitably be tested by the world. Someone might bring donuts to work or I might go to a super fancy and decadent restaurant, and my initial response will be to conform and feast. But, like I said, it's probably a good rule of thumb that the actual response I have should be the exact opposite. Therefore, I need to face these tests by abstaining from the unnecessary foods, or practicing moderation and thoughtfulness when choosing what to eat. These tests help me discern God's will for my life and my body. Using my renewed mind over my "matter" to make decisions about my diet and exercise habits will ultimately be "good, acceptable, and perfect."

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