Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Day three

Here's the meal plan for today:

  • Breakfast- Steel-cut oatmeal
  • Snack- 1/2 banana w/ peanut butter
  • Lunch- Boiled eggs & mango
  • Snack- Pistachios
I felt OK today. Not as much of the sugar crash (or whatever it is) that has been affecting me for the past 2 days. I tend to feel better in the mornings and then sag a little in the afternoon.
I'm definitely getting less hungry between meals and feel more in control of what I'm eating and the things I'm craving. That being said, I have a tub of icing in my pantry and I REALLY need to throw it away because I still want nothing more than to swipe my finger through that and enjoy it to the fullest.

Drank 1 gallon of water and completed the "Ramp it Up" level of Debbie Siebers' "Slim in 6" DVD. That's a hard workout too! 

I think after the 24-day Challenge, I will start up Weight Watchers again. I did that program last year and had some success (lost 13 pounds), but I stopped when I "fell off the horse" during final exams. I think if I maintain the discipline from Advocare's program and apply it to the increased freedom that Weight Watchers allows, I can be successful. And, I have no more final exams since graduating last week!

Thought of the Day

Mark 11:23 says, "Truly, I say to you, whoever says to the mountain, 'Be taken up and thrown into the sea,' and does not doubt in his heart, but believes what he says will come to pass, it will be done for him."

Isn't that an amazing image? I can't imagine what it would be like to see a mountain uproot from the Earth and be "thrown into the sea." It would be incredible. According to Andrew Wommack Ministries, the point of this verse is to realize that our faith is released by speaking words. We need to speak to the problems or obstacles in our lives audaciously, because out God is mighty and strong and there is nothing he can't do--even move mountains. And we need to be courageous enough to ask for his help. 

So when I look at my goal weight and think about the numbers of pounds I need to lose, that seems like so much! It's like two big bags of dog food, maybe more! If I go to the grocery store and try to lift two bags of dog food, I can't even lift it up! But I need to look at those pounds, "Be taken up and thrown into the sea," and I need to visualize what my body might look like in the end and say, "It will be." I need to know that these statements are true--they will come to pass. God will do it THROUGH me with my faith. He has already done everything necessary to save me, and he will enable me to do this as well.

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