Monday, May 12, 2014

Day one

Today's the first day of the Advocare 10-day cleanse, the beginning portion of the Advocare "24-day challenge." I'm going to be honest--I felt like I was taking A LOT of pills this morning with all the supplements, catalysts, etc. Not to mention the 3 different types of drinks I had (Spark energy drink, fiber drink, and meal replacement shake). I was full simply after that (and it is a lot to keep track of). Anyway, here's the meal plan for today:


  • Breakfast- Advocare shake
  • Snack- Apple w/ natural peanut butter
  • Lunch- Sliced turkey with baby carrots
  • Snack- Orange & strawberries
  • Dinner- Grilled herbed chicken (light on the olive oil) w/ steamed broccoli, grilled zucchini, and brown rice
I drank 1 gallon of water (not counting the 24 oz used this morning for the various drinks/shakes). I also exercised-- Level 1 of Jillian Michael's 30-day shred. Exercising was difficult, but I felt pretty good afterwards! I have been very tired today, however, and have felt light-headed at times. I'm not sure if it's because I wasn't eating enough, sugar withdrawals, or if it's all the supplements. Hopefully it will get better, and hopefully this will NOT be the thing I remember about this process! I need to focus on the positives!

I've prepared a big tupperware of brown rice today that we can have for lunch throughout the week as a complex carb (I know, I didn't have any complex carbs today other than for dinner!). I also prepared 2 extra chicken breasts for lunch tomorrow. I think it's good to think ahead about the meals so that I make good choices in the moment. If I know what I'm going to eat for a snack or for lunch/dinner, I'm less likely to go into the kitchen and start grazing on things that are unhealthy.

Thought of the day: 

1 Corinthians 10:13 says, "No temptation has overtaken you that is not common to man. God is faithful, and he will not let you be tempted beyond your ability, but with temptation he will also provide the way of escape, that you may also be able to endure it."

In this passage, Paul is writing to the Corinthians, challenging their faith. He is basically saying that even though they enjoy many blessings from God, that does not mean they are immune to temptation. Isn't that true of most Americans? We are so blessed as a nation--blessed with accessible food sources, clean water, well-paying jobs, homes, steady government, etc. But, our broken nature has caused us to overlook God for of these blessings--we have come to idolize the blessings themselves, rather than worshipping God for his blessings. That is why Americans are a people of excess, and we are tempted by so many things even though we are so, so blessed! 

In my case, food is sort of an idol--I want it in excess, I want it to be decadent, I want it to be constant, it affects my mood, I turn to it during emotional times, etc. It is a HUGE temptation, but, as 1 Corinthians says, food temptation is common, and many people struggle with it (as evidenced by the obesity epidemic in the USA). I need to remember that God will not let me be tempted by food beyond my ability to resist it. So, when I'm craving some potato chips, diet Coke, or ice cream (which will inevitably happen this week), I need to remember that I am capable of resisting this! And I need to remember that, whenever I am tempted to "fall of the horse" and begin seeking comfort in food, I can escape this by relying on God. Through reflecting on Him and Jesus' victory over sin in my life, I can seek spiritual "food" rather than physical food.

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