Monday, May 19, 2014

Day five

Down 6.6 pounds today. If the old saying is true--that the first six pounds are just water weight--I have officially reached the end of my water weight. Now, I'm expecting to lose pounds much less quickly. As I've learned on other diet programs and from putzing around on the internet, the goal should be to lose between 1 to 1.5 pounds per week. So, that's my goal.

Here's the plan for today:

  • Breakfast- Advocare shake
  • Snack - 1/2 banana w/ peanut butter
  • Lunch- Sliced turkey w/ baby carrotshhh
  • Snack- 1/2 banana w/ peanut butter
  • Dinner- Grilled chicken w/ steamed broccoli 

I took a break from exercising today. After doing the "Biggest Loser" CardioMax video at home yesterday, I feel like a strained my back, or at least there a muscles in my back that are painfully sore when I do anything. I also woke up last night because my arms were sore. So, I'm going to take a break. Maybe I will go on a walk with my husband this afternoon...take it easy.

Thought of the day

Psalm 106:14 says, "But they had wonton craving in the wilderness, and put God to the test in ther desert." Other translations say that "They gave in to their cravings" and "tempted God."

Psalm 106 recounts what God has done for his people, and describes the people's response. It describes the Israelites crossing the Red Sea and then entering the wilderness. And, despite the fact that this mass of people witnessed a sea being parted before them so they could cross safely, they still had little faith and they still tempted God.

What does it mean to tempt God? As this page shows, tempting God could mean many things. It could be sinning with the expectation that God will forgive you, doing foolish things with the attitude that he has to save you, testing God because of your doubt or unbelief (e.g., "If you exist, give me a sign"), or trying to make God do things that are in accordance with your own will or desires. In Psalm 106:14, the Israelites made demands for food in ways that tempted God. They doubted that he would provide, they tested his faithfulness, and the asked him to do things that were their own desires rather than God's sovereign plan.

I have been struggling with cravings today and yesterday. I am certainly tempted to feel like I am in a desert wasteland in terms of food--nothing but fruits, veggies, and lean meats! No bread, no cheese, no sugar. I have so far managed to resist being tempted by foods and drinks I shouldn't have. I have been wanting to "cheat," thinking to myself, "One cheating meal won't make a difference," or, "I can make up for it later." But I think I need to remember that God is faithful and I should not tempt him to "save me" from even one meal in which I give in to my desires to have a biscuit or run out and get fast food.

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