Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Day two

Down 3 pounds this morning--all water-weight, I'm sure. What's the rule? First 6 pounds are water weight? Probably from the intestinal distress caused by that fiber drink yesterday. Wow buddy, lots fiber does a number on you!

I didn't have the meal replacement shake for breakfast this morning since we are trying to save them for the 14 days after the cleanse. We had 2 boiled eggs and some steel-cut, old fashioned oatmeal instead. This was a surprisingly quick breakfast, and I think it would be easy to do if I just remember to prepare boiled eggs ahead of time!

I still felt pretty crappy this afternoon, possibly from a sugar withdrawal (see previous post). I hope whatever is going on is passing. Maybe this is part of the cleansing process? Anyway, here's the plan for today:

  • Breakfast- Two boiled eggs & old fashioned oatmeal
  • Snack- Apple
  • Lunch- Grilled chicken w/ brown rice (leftovers) and baby carrots
  • Snack- Dry roasted edemame 
  • Dinner- Garlic salmon w/ brown rice and salad w/ salsa dressing (tomato, onion, cucumber, garlic, avocado)
I got hungry throughout the day yesterday, and I found today that drinking lots of water fills me up and makes me feel less of the hunger for a while. Plus, I think this is good for helping me avoid kidney stones. I have had 3 kidney stones, and 2 were removed surgically. I would LOVE to not have to go through that (and pay for that) again, and hydration is the #1 way I can do that!

For exercise, I walked 2.5 miles briskly with lots of hills. I did this because I am really sore from completing the Jillian Micheals' 30-day Shred yesterday. That workout is killer and I really need to make sure I stretch afterwards! 

Thought of the Day:

Another one from 1 Corinthians, 10:31 this time. It says, "So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God."

There's an exercise I sometimes do when reading Bible verses. I go through and try to emphasize different key words throughout the verse I am studying. I have found that sometimes emphasizing different words highlights all the meanings of the verse. In this verse, if I emphasize "whatever," the verse tells me that even the smallest actions (like eating and drinking) should be done for God's glory. It tells us that there isn't one thing we should do that DOESN'T bring him glory. Next, emphasize "glory," and we learn that everything should be done to glorify him. The dictionary defines glory as "high renown or honor won by notable achievements," "magnificence or great beauty," or, "take great pride or pleasure in." Do I take pride in God and the body he has given me when I eat a chicken biscuit and fries? I don't think so. I should be doing things not to win his love or earn his forgiveness, but to simply magnify and make great the beauty of what he has done for me through Jesus. Finally, emphasize "God." When we do this we learn that everything we do (even eating and drinking) should be done for God's glory, and not for our own glory or desires or for anyone else's. So, I shouldn't be tempted to make my weight-loss journey about my own strength, my own deserving, but about God and his weight in my life.

This begs the question: "Do my current dietary habits glorify God?" Prior to beginning this diet and exercise plan, I don't think my habits did glorify him. As I've said before, I think I tend to idolize food--It changes my mood, I seek comfort in it, etc. Therefore, when I ate food before, it was for my own desires and for my own feelings of happiness. I was seeking it sometimes above God, and that is not glorifying to him. Instead I need to acknowledge him for the blessings he has given me, including my body, food, and drink. I need to utilize these blessings in a way that makes a big deal of HIM and not my own desire to make a big deal of my food.

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