Tuesday, May 20, 2014

Day nine

8.8 pounds down! A note about last night: I am very happy to report that, despite my husband and I having our second anniversary yesterday, we did not cheat! We did have some of the gravy/a jus that was produced from the rotisserie chicken I made last night as a little treat. But, this was after standing in the kitchen discussing/devising/conniving what "cheat" meal we would have--Bojangle's, Cook-Out, Steak and Shake, Outback, or stay in an make some Red Lobster cheddar bay biscuits from the boxed mix (which, for those of you NOT on a diet I recommend extremely highly). But, despite all the talk, we didn't do it--we didn't cheat; we stayed strong! We didn't even go out afterwards and get dessert. And despite how tempting it was and how amazing the food would have probably tasted, I'm glad we didn't. I'm very glad to still be "on" the more restricted meal plan, without any major lapses in strength or judgement.

Anyway, here's the meal plan for today:

DAY 9 (May 20)
  • Breakfast- Advocare shake
  • Snack- Strawberries & Banana
  • Lunch- Sliced turkey breast w/ carrots and boiled egg
  • Snack- Pear

I exercised using Debbie Siebers' "Slim in 6" DVD again. I really like that video, and I think it's a tough but fulfilling workout. She works you hard without being annoying. It's exciting that my endurance is building--I'm not getting as sore and I'm able to complete more of the exercises with more ease.

I have been having trouble making sure I'm drinking enough water. I have not been drinking a full gallon, which I know is bad. I'm not really sure how to fix this issue other than to be more conscious of taking a few sips of water ever 30 minutes or so, and big cups of water during snacks and meals.

Thought of the day

A helpful infographic about the how good different foods are for you and the ideal distribution of your calories...

And some words of wisdom...

From the moment we wake, God is with us and is faithful to us. God loves us not for what we can do for him, but because he is full of grace and mercy. It is not because of any work that we do that we are saved--we cannot fast, stop ourselves from cussing, prohibit dancing and drinking, or commit ourselves to any other law/commandment to win his love. If we could do that, what would be the point of Jesus' death? No, the laws and commandments from the old testament are a mirror with which we see our sin and our glaring inadequacy. If all we try to accomplish spiritually is following the law, we will always always fail and religion will crush us. 

However, Jesus replaced the law. The John 1:16 says that we have received "Grace upon Grace," or "Grace in place of Grace." The law was given to us through God's grace so that we know his heart, and then Jesus came, literally, "in place" of the law to show us his love and to fulfill the law. So, when we wake we should think about Jesus and our Father's love, which is unfailing, patient, and so powerful that it conquered death. When we seek him and acknowledge our need for him, that is when we will demonstrate the fruit of the spirit and exhibit the discipline to care for our bodies and for each other. It is because of our love for him, and not because we are forcing ourselves to do it so he will love us. He already loves us--He is within us, he will help us, every moment of every day.

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